Guidelines for short paper

Maximum Length: 4 pages to include:
- Title / Author name(s) / Affiliation
- Contact email and postal address
- Text
- Relevant references
File format: Word
Page size: A4
Margins (left, right, top, bottom): One inch (2.54cm).
Font size:
- Title: 14 pts.
- Text/Section titles: 12 pts.
Font type: Times
Line spacing: single
Attention: Don't include page numbers, accepted papers will be included in the Workshop Proceedings


Maximum Length: 3 pages to include:
- Title / Author name(s) / Affiliation
- Contact email and postal address
- Text
- Relevant references
File format: Word
Page size: A4
Margins (left, right, top, bottom): One inch (2.54cm).
Font size:
- Title: 14 pts.
- Text/Section titles: 12 pts.
Font type: Times
Line spacing: single
Attention: Don't include page numbers, accepted summaries will be included in the Workshop Proceedings